Canada Postal Code

Track Package and Parcel from Canada Post by Tracking Number

Track your Canada Post packages easily with our tracking tool. Enter your tracking number to get real-time updates, including delivery status, attempted delivery, and event history. Ensure you stay informed about your parcel's journey with accurate tracking information for a hassle-free experience.

Track Package and Parcel

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I track my Canada Post package?

To track your package, simply enter your Canada Post tracking number in the tracking tool. You’ll receive real-time updates on the delivery status, event history, and more.

2. What information will I see with my tracking number?

With your tracking number, you can see details such as delivery status, attempted delivery, event history, and the current location of your parcel.

3. How often is the tracking information updated?

Tracking information is updated in real-time as your package moves through the Canada Post network. Updates are provided each time your parcel reaches a new location or when a delivery attempt is made.

4. What should I do if my tracking information hasn't updated?

If your tracking information hasn’t updated, it could be due to a delay in the system. We recommend checking back later. If there’s still no update after a reasonable period, consider contacting Canada Post for assistance.

5. Can I track my package without a tracking number?

Tracking is only available with a Canada Post tracking number. If you don’t have one, please check your confirmation email or contact the sender to obtain it.
